Desain Primer Spesifik Untuk Identifikasi Ekson 5 Gen Penanda Kanker Payudara (Palb2)
Kata Kunci:
primers, PALB2, Primer-BLAST, breast cancerAbstrak
Primers are significant oligonucleotides in the DNA replication process. In-vitro replication using PCR requires primers that can produce specific amplification of the intended target. The process of designing target-specific primers involves many factors such as specificity between primers and target, optimal G-C content in primers, primers lenght, and orientation of primers.The PALB2 gene which is consists of thirteen exons is a tumor suppressor gene in human genom. Mutations in the PALB2 gene will increase the risk of breast cancer. The aim of this study is to obtain a specific primer in amplifying exon 5 in PALB2 genes in human genom, using Primer-BLAST and Oligo Analyzer 1.0.2. The target sequence refers to GenBank (NCBI) NG_007406.1. The amplicon will be produced around 751 bp.
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