Pengaruh Perbandingan Bahan Pengisi Dan Lama Pengeringan Pada Pengolahan Fruit Leather Salak Bongkok
Kata Kunci:
salak bangkok, fruit leather, filler, drying time, sensory propertiesAbstrak
The study is aimed to know the concentration of a filler in the fruit leather Bongkok salak. Sample was collected from Bongkok village, Sumedang, West Java. This experimental research used two factorial random sampling.. The first factor was filler concentration (d1=0,5 %, d2=1%, d3=1,5 %, d4=2 %) and filling time (S1; 10 h, S2;11 h, S3; 12 h). The results of this study showed that fruit leather from a dextrin type of filler with 1% concentration and 11 h drying time was giving the most favorable texture, taste, and aroma. Meanwhile the most favorable color was in 0,5%-1% concentration. The higher concentration of filler, the darker the color, and it will become least favorable.
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