Kajian Potensi Daun Sukun Dengan Kayu Secang Sebagai Minuman Fungsional
Kata Kunci:
breadfruit leaves, sappan woods, phenolic content, antioxidant activity, diabetesAbstrak
Breadfruit plants are mostly only used as garden plants. This raises the thought to add the value of breadfruit leaves.This research aims to study the potential of breadfruit leaves and sappan woods as functional drinks to prevent diabetes. The stages of this research included the production of dried breadfruit leaves, analysis of total phenol content and antioxidant activity using Folin Ciocalteau dan DPPH respectively, and the effects on blood glucose levels. Breadfruit leaves drink resulted total phenol content and IC50,0.33% and 755.51 ppm respectively. Breadfruit leaves – sappan woods drink resulted total phenol content and IC50, 1.55% and 324.79 ppm respectively. Mean IAUC in 0-120 minutes, from the least to the highest, were breadfruit leaves drink, breadfruit leaves – sappan woods drink, and control drink. Breadfruit leaves and sappan woods showed potency to be a functional drink.
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