Analisis Pengembangan Pusat Data Berbasis Komputasi Awan
Kata Kunci:
data center, cloud computing, virtualization, stress test, load balancingAbstrak
The data center becomes one of the important components in today's business environment that is expected to provide the best possible service even in uncontrolled circumstances, such as disaster situations, so that the business of the company will survive and profit for the company will continue. Support for the reliability of the data center of the new technology is cloud computing where this technology is a combination of two technologies of distributed computing and virtualization, in addition to these technologies, there are other advantages of cloud computing technology in terms of service. This research focuses on the analysis of data center development based on cloud computing technology where expected from this technology can reduce the weakness caused by the conventional data center system. The method used in this study is to compare the workload of conventional servers with cloud computing servers using stress test devices, load balancers, and others. The results of this study indicate that servers with cloud computing can still work optimally even though working together in a single hardware.
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