Perancangan Webserver Sistem Remote Monitoring Point of Sales (POS) Terminal via GPRS
Kata Kunci:
remote monitoring, microcontroller, web serverAbstrak
Point of sale remote monitoring system is a remote monitoring system intended to monitor the sale transactions with the aim to obtain the required information associated with the transaction. This system can be applied to obtain specific data on the transactions particulary data from the tax that occur on a number of the point of sales device of various different business entities. Data transactions are sent to a server to be processed and re-grouped according to the required field in the database. In research, there a several key issues, among others, data segmentation that are sent by microcontroller to webserver that must be stored in database fields. In addition to the problems, other problem is the database table design, this is important because web server application will be difficult to process data well. Research results is that the transaction data can be sent to the webserver to be processed further from the server.
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