Desain Dan Implementasi Game Edukasi Menggunakan Motion Sensor Tentang Tumbuhan Pada Murid Taman Kanak-Kanak
Kata Kunci:
Educational Game, Kindergarten, Motion SensorAbstrak
Activities that stimulate child growth and development include physical, spiritual, motoric, mind, emotional, and social development need to be fostered in kindergarten. Through games, children can learn many things. By playing children feel happy and able to concentrate longer so that their ability to remember becomes better. In previous research, it was known that the ability of children to adapt to technology is higher and more natural than textbooks. This shows that using information technology in early education can make the learning experience more effective and more enjoyable. The media used are in the form of educational games. However, in contrast to adults, children especially preschoolers do not have good communication skills. Therefore, it is necessary to develop educational games that are appropriate for children. Educational games that are developed must be safe and fun. In this study an educational game was developed with the content of how to care for plants, color recognition, and fruit recognition. Equipped with motion sensor technology, this educational game is expected to make it easier for children to play it, help train rough motorics, and make children not easily bored in playing. Design and implementation through stages: conducting literature studies, needs analysis, game design, making questionnaires, implementing and testing at TK Bunda Ganesha at TK B1 and B2 levels with 30 students. The results showed that all testing parameters consisting of learning satisfaction assessment, ease of playing games, game interface, game play, learnability and memorability on the educational game about plants had an average score of 3.31. Based on the Likert scale, the results of the questionnaire are in intervals of 3.28 - 4.00 which means very satisfying.
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