Karakterisasi Protease Termofilik Asal Hydrothermal Vent Laut Dalam Kepulauan Kawio Sulawesi Utara


  • Luthfia Hastiani Muharram Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung
  • I Nyoman P Aryantha Institut Teknologi Bandung

Kata Kunci:

hydrothermal vent, protease, thermostable


Among the enzymes present in the industrial field such as amylase, cellulase and protease; protease needs reach 60% in indonesian indonesian world. Hydrothermal Region The deep sea vents of the Kawio Islands of North Sulawesi are complemented by a wealth of biodiversity including in the health of bacteria, which is very heavy as producers of various enzymes. Bacteria that live in geothermal regions are resistant to heat and are able to catalyze various reactions quickly. A study has been conducted to find the thermophilic proteases of marine Hydrothermal Vent in the Kawio archipelago of North Sulawesi. This study aims to perform thermophilic Protease characterization from Hydrothermal Vent Marine in South Kawio Islands of South Sulawesi. Microbial isolates together with the largest protease activity were grown on growth media with varying growth time and pH of the media. The microbe has a maximum growth rate constant ?max = 0.21 hours-1, the optimum growing temperature at 65 oC and the neutral pH growth color is between 6.6-7.5. The enzyme production was performed for 32 hours, obtained when the largest protease enzyme was 277.8 U / ml (277.8 ppm of amino acid tyrosine given every 1 ml of enzyme during reaction of 1 minute). The optimum temperature of the liquid obtained at 70oC and the optimum pH of the enzyme was obtained at pH 8.

Biografi Penulis

Luthfia Hastiani Muharram, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Program Studi Bioteknologi,
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

I Nyoman P Aryantha, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati,
Institut Teknologi Bandung


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Cara Mengutip

L. Hastiani Muharram dan I. N. P Aryantha, “Karakterisasi Protease Termofilik Asal Hydrothermal Vent Laut Dalam Kepulauan Kawio Sulawesi Utara”, JSTE, vol. 1, no. 1, hlm. 18–29, Jan 2021.


