Pengaruh kelengasan tanah terhadap jumlah kumbang yang terbang dan pergerakan vertikal larva di dalam tanah pada Lepidiota stigma


  • Reza Fikri Alfatah Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Kata Kunci:

Lepidiota stigma, soil moisture, beetle flight, vertical movement of larvae


Lepidiota stigma larvae are pests that have potential to damage plant roots, while in the beetle phase can cause leaf damage. Soil moisture effect on L. stigma behavior have not been widely studied. This study aims to determine the relationship between soil moisture and meteorological factors that influence the number of flying beetles and the vertical movement of larvae in the soil on L. stigma. The recording of pest behavior can be used as a reference for management control. This research was conducted in the dry season until the end of the rainy season, namely September to May in Bulaksumur grass vegetation, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The behavior of L. stigma in the form of the number of flying beetles and the vertical movement of larvae in the soil has been observed. Environmental conditions like soil moisture and several meteorological factors that affect soil moisture have also been recorded along with observations of L. stigma behavior. The influence of environmental conditions on L. stigma behavior was analyzed using multiple regression. The results showed that increasing soil moisture could increase the number of flying beetles and the vertical movement of third instar larvae towards the soil surface on L. Stigma.

Biografi Penulis

Reza Fikri Alfatah, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Program Studi Agribisnis
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung


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Cara Mengutip

R. Fikri Alfatah, “Pengaruh kelengasan tanah terhadap jumlah kumbang yang terbang dan pergerakan vertikal larva di dalam tanah pada Lepidiota stigma”, JSTE, vol. 2, no. 1, hlm. 17–24, Apr 2021.


