Pendekatan Teori Antrian Single Channel Single Phase Pada Pelayanan Administrasi
Kata Kunci:
Queue Theory, Single Channel Singgle Phase, Measures of Effectiveness, WinQSBAbstrak
The queuing theory is a branch of the applied probability theory that had been used for 108 years ago to study telephone traffic congestion (1910-2018). Until now the queue theory is widely used for alternative queue troubleshooting. The purpose of this research is to know queue system at campus administration service AMIK BSI Bandung have exponential pattern of service distribution, and measure of effectiveness of queuing system using WinQSB. Queue on campus administration services using single channel single phase model. The results of the analysis obtained the pattern of arrival of the distributed Poisson, the effectiveness of administrative services 8.33% for the average arrival of 1, 16.67% for the average arrival of 2, and 25% for the average arrival of 3, while the average service assumption is 12 There is no need for additional service personnel with idle time greater than 83%.
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