Analisis Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik di Salah Satu Apotek Jejaring Klinik Pratama di Kabupaten Bandung Periode Juli-September 2019


  • Anis Puji Rahayu Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Kata Kunci:

antibiotics, rational, prescriptions


The use of antibiotics that are not following rationality creates a threat of microbial resistance which is getting higher every year. Microbial resistance to antibiotics is closely related to patient adherence to taking antibiotics and how much antibiotics are prescribed in an area. his study aims to obtain information on the percentage of antibiotic prescription of all drugs prescribed at a primary clinic network pharmacy in Bandung Regency in July-September 2019. The research method was carried out descriptively with retrospective data collection through recapitulation of prescriptions received and issued by the pharmacy. The results showed that the percentage of antibiotics prescribed to all prescriptions per month was 66.89%; 62.08%; 66.13% in July, August, September 2019. The antibiotic groups that are widely prescribed and meet the 90% DU segment are cephalosporins, amphenicols, and quinolones, and the largest numbers being in the cephalosporins and amphenicol groups. The trend in the use of antibiotics in one of the pharmacies at the primary's health care network in Bandung Regency illustrates the high number of prescription antibiotics. This should be the attention of pharmacists to improve the management and pharmaceutical care related to antibiotics in every pharmaceutical facility so that microbial resistance to antibiotics can be prevented.

Biografi Penulis

Anis Puji Rahayu, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Program Studi Farmasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi


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Cara Mengutip

A. . Puji Rahayu, “Analisis Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik di Salah Satu Apotek Jejaring Klinik Pratama di Kabupaten Bandung Periode Juli-September 2019”, JSTE, vol. 1, no. 2, hlm. 167–172, Jan 2021.


