Bahan Dasar Sediaan Kosmetik Bedak Pelindung Kulit Wajah dari Pati Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb)
Kata Kunci:
strach, temulawak, cosmetics, powder, SPF (Sun Protection Factor)Abstrak
The process of developing temulawak starch has not been done much, especially in the cosmetics field. Temulawak rhizome extraction to produce starch was done by smoothing the temulawak rhizome, then squeezed. After that the juice that had been obtained was soaked with solvent for 2 days and the replacement of the solvent was done once a day. The end result was dried and used as a basic ingredient in making face protection skin powder. The production of the sprinkled powder and cold powder from temulawak starch as a basic ingredient was then evaluated (organoleptic test, homogeneity, pH, particle size distribution and in vitro effectiveness test (determination of SPF value). Organoleptically, the springkled powder and cold powder with temulawak starch as an ingredient the superiority could be recognized from the color without the addition of coloring agent. The F1 sprinkled powder was olive powder with SPF value 13.99, and the F2 sprinkled powder was ivory/cream yellow with SPF value 12.33. The F1 cold powder was olive powder with SPF value 15,58, and the F2 cold powder was ivory/cream yellow with SPF value of 14.44 using a positive control of powder circulating on the market with an SPF value of 15. According to Damgalad (2013), SPF value of 8-15 is in the maximum stage. Sprinkled powder and cold powder made from temulawak starch ingredients were then declared to have protection against UV exposure at the maximum stage
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