Pengaruh Penambahan Emulgator Tween Dan Span Terhadap Stabilitas Krim
Kata Kunci:
cream, emulgator, Tween, spanAbstrak
Cream is a conventional emulsion preparation that promises to deliver topical drugs even though thermodynamic instability and complex formulation is a challenge for pharmaceutical technology. Cream is a semi-solid dosage form in the thick emulsion containing not less than 60 % water, intended for external use by applying to the affected part of the skin. A cream can be formed and stable if using the right emulgator. The choice of emulgator is an important consideration in making cream preparation because it will effect in the formation of good emulsions and stable cream preparation. Several studies erlated to the manufacture of natural active cream product have been done before by using varios types and concentration of emulsifiers. The effect of addition of the emulgator on the cream preparation that will be discussed this time is Tween and Span on various HLB values, both of which are non-ionic emulsifiers. Writing a review article was conducted to describe how the effect of adding Tween and Span to the preparation of the cream on physical, chemical and biological stability.
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