Pemilihan Alternatif Lokasi Baru CV. Cahya Saudara dengan Metode Promethee
Kata Kunci:
strategy, decision-making, location, mcdm, prometheeAbstrak
The lack of strategic business location can be one of the triggers in the decline in product sales figures which are feared to affect business continuity. By choosing a more strategic location the company has resolved one of the obstacles in its marketing strategy.The method used in this study is PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation), which is a method of determining the order in multicriteria analysis with the main objective to facilitate the decision-making process. There are two ranking processes for this method, namely PROMETHEE I states partial ranking that considers the relationship between alternatives based on the Positive Outranking Flow value and the Negative Outranking Flow value, both comparable and incomparable so that no information is wasted. Then PROMETHEE II, which states the total ranking for a set of alternatives available based on the value of Net Flow, ignoring incomparable relationships.In this study, there are 5 (five) alternative locations with 4 (four) factors that are used as criteria. From the results of the PROMETHEE I process, the best ranking was Kopo and Kiaracondong, and after it was continued with PROMETHEE II, the best ranking was Kopo. To be more convincing in decision making, sensitivity analyses are carried out, by increasing and decreasing the percentage of weight by 20% in turn. The result, Kopo is the best choice when compared to other alternative locations.
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