Banking Business Performance Evaluation Using Standard Model of Quality Management Europe – EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management): Case Study in Bank Bjb (Jabar-Banten) Tbk.


  • Sri Widodo Soedarso STIE EKUITAS Bandung


Kata Kunci:

performace of banking, total quality management and improvement


This is paper research case study to examine application evaluating and measuring business performance banking company using concept International Quality Standard of Excellences Model European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM - 2013) with ten (10) variables: Case study in Bank Jabar Banten Indonesia (PT. Bank Bjb Tbk). The study examines the organization productivies, effectiveness and efficiencies, and the level of company performance comply with role and regulation of banking authority. The variance was explained by extraction factor sums squared loadings of the information yielded in business performance of firms. The main of findings showed that all the two (2) variables i.e. Leadership and Partnership Resources are less influence the business performance of PT. Bank Bjb Tbk. The novelty of this research study are the understanding the excellent level of capability of  business performance firms; realized the actual quality practices have significant positive effect towards business performance banking ; including the necessary improvements to be carried-out by the companies involved.




Cara Mengutip

Soedarso, S. W. (2021). Banking Business Performance Evaluation Using Standard Model of Quality Management Europe – EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management): Case Study in Bank Bjb (Jabar-Banten) Tbk. Jurnal RASI, 1(2), 185–203.


