Negosiasi Peran PerempuandalamRuang Publik dan Domestik (Studi Deskriptif pada Seorang Anggota Legislatif Perempuan di DPR RI)
DOI: Kunci:
Role Negotiation, Public and Domestic SectorAbstrak
The phenomenon political women in public sector still become problems. It is because women pursued to be active in public, but on the other side she has to care her husband and children. The aim of research is show political women rule out and negotiate her role in public and domestic sector. The research uses qualitative method with description study. The subject is Ir. Hetifah Sjaifudian, MPP, Ph.D one of the member in DPR RI at Komisi V. Within deep interview, observation, records from social network that having from subject, electronic mailing, curriculum vitae, articles, a blog, researcher gets a lot of information. The results show that there are several factors that political women succeed within their role in public and domestic sector, especially from family support. A good strategy and negotiation in region environment can be a contributing factor that lead women to the successful role in public and domestic sector. There is a recommendation for women within their role in public and domestic sector is to share the task with husband and children in the household, and involve their husband in deciding certain matters relating to their duties in their public sector.