Komunikasi Antarbudaya Etnis Tionghoa Dan Pribumi Di Kota Palembang


  • Nora Meilinda Hardi Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung



Kata Kunci:

Intercultural Communication, Ethnic, Worldview


Purpose of intercultural communication research to determine the influence worldviews and indigenous ethnic Chinese in the city of Palembang. Three elements of worldview that includes the study of religion or beliefs, values   and behavior, which is part of the theory of cultural perception by Larry A Samovar, Richard E.Porter dan Edwin R. McDaniel. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach which aims to look at various situations or social realities that apply to ethnic Chinese and indigenous in the city of Palembang. Research using depth interviews with a number of ethnic Chinese and indigenous informants. In addition, the observation and analysis of literature related to this research. Analysis of the data is written in a narrative inductive. An important result showed that religion/belief is one that is right and not be forced. However, through the marriage of the ethnic Chinese and indigenous religious conversion to Islam and Christianity that religions outlook changed. In addition, intercultural communication can change the perspective of the cultural values of ethnic Chinese and Natives in the city of Palembang. There by encouraging individual behavior becomes positive and its worldview




Cara Mengutip

Meilinda Hardi, N. (2021). Komunikasi Antarbudaya Etnis Tionghoa Dan Pribumi Di Kota Palembang. Jurnal RASI, 1(1), 74–90. https://doi.org/10.52496/rasi.v1i1.31


